GNSS Solutions is proud to offer on-site seminars. These on-site seminars can be ordered individually, in combination, or tailored to suit the needs of your agency, company, or market. We have specialized in tailored on-site seminars and tutorials prior to major conferences and now bring expandedcomprehensive seminars right to you. Each course can be delivered on-site at your or nearby. The following courses overviews are offered in a single-day or multi-day format. Contact us for a detailed course syllabus for your review.
CN505C Fundamentals of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) I with emphasis on the GPS
Dr. Chris G. Bartone, P.E., Professor, Ohio University
Course Overview: This course covers the fundamentals of GNSS with emphasis on GPS. The course begins with a solid overview of GNSS, GPS with an overview of other GNSS including Galileo, Glonass, Beidou, and other regional satellite navigation systems. The core functions that need to be performed in obtaining a user solution using GPS will be explained. Topics include coordinates, calculations of SV positions using the Kepler orbital parameters, performing broadcast orbit and clock corrections, as well as simple compensation for atmospheric effects in the ionosphere and troposphere. The course concludes with an illustration of a user state calculation, performance metrics (i.e., DOPs) and an error budget for GPS.
CN506C Fundamentals of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) II with emphasis on GPS
Dr. Chris G. Bartone, P.E., Professor, Ohio University
Course Overview: This course will present the fundamentals of GNSS with emphasis on GPS in the presence of various error sources and discusses error mitigation techniques. Some knowledge or introduction to GNSS is assumed as this course is intended as a follow-on to CN505 Fundamentals of GNSS I with emphasis on GPS. The course will provide details on the nature of various error sources in satellite navigation systems, their impact on performance, and methods for mitigation. The course provides an illustration of an error mitigated user state calculation, and provides information on receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM). Details of differential GNSS with illustrations of DGPS error performance are presented.
CN520C GPS Modernization and Relation to other Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Tom Stansell, Stansell Consulting
Course Overview: This course provides information on many aspects of GPS modernization and how these efforts relate to other GNSS systems. Knowledge of GNSS and GPS would be beneficial (i.e., material presented in CN505C/CN506C Fundamentals of GNSS with emphasis on GPS I/II). The course covers topics on GPS modernization, including signals and satellite capabilities, interoperability with Galileo signal formats and services, QZSS, Glonass, Compass and other GNSS concepts.
CN531C Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Design Systems
Dr. Sanjeev Gunawardena, Air Force Institute of Technology
Course Overview: This course covers the design and practical implementation of GNSS receivers using the latest developments in RF and digital signal processing technologies. The material covered will be applicable to a wide range of GNSS user equipment from instrumentation-quality reference receivers through aviation-grade, military, and low-power consumer-grade single chip devices. Part 1 covers the design of GNSS RF front-ends starting from the LNA through to the ADC. Part 2 covers digital signal processing techniques from sample correlation through range measurement computation, and the implementation of these techniques using hardware, software, or reconfigurable logic (i.e. FPGA) processors. The course material is approached with both the theoretical and practical perspective, using case studies of actual GNSS receivers developed by the instructor as well as an overview of the latest commercially available GNSS chipsets.
CN560C Introduction to Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems
Dr. Andrey Soloviev, Qunav LLC
Course Overview: This course emphasizes the physics and mathematics of strapdown inertial navigation systems (INS) and provides a solid basis in the physics and mathematics of inertial navigation. This course details the types of strapdown inertial navigation sensors, their errors and behavior. The course also discusses sensor and system specifications. It provides sufficient information for the user to construct their own inertial navigation solution. It serves as a useful introduction to courses covering GPS and INS integration.
CN562C Applications of Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems
Dr. Andrey Soloviev, Qunav LLC
Course Overview: This course focuses on practical applications of the strapdown inertial technology. Additional benefit will be obtained with knowledge of strapdown inertial navigation systems (e.g., CN560C Introduction to Strapdown Inertial Navigation). Types of inertial applications and challenges of using Strapdown INS for practical application areas are addressed. Specific application examples for stand-alone and integrated INS navigation are considered with the emphasis on INS specification requirements and INS performance characteristics. The second part of this course considers the use of INS for multi-sensor integrated applications, including GNSS-alternative navigation aids such as video cameras and laser radars. Types of integrated solutions are discussed and specific integration examples are provided.
CN541C GNSS Antennas – Fundamentals & Special Topics
Dr. Chris G. Bartone, P.E., Professor, Ohio University
Course Overview: This course emphasizes the fundamentals of antennas for GNSS applications. The course will present a solid basis for understanding fundamentals of antennas, antenna types, design, development, tests, and implementation aspects of GNSS antennas. Additional benefit will be obtained with a good background in the area of GNSS (e.g., CN505C Fundamentals of GNSS I, or CN506C Fundamentals of GNSS II). The second part of this course presents information on special and advanced topics related to GNSS for particular applications, which are important to many users. Antenna measurement effects and specialized antennas to maximize GNSS performance will be presented, including details on adaptive antenna arrays. Contact us or give us a call to discuss options for your course outline to maximize your benefit. Ready to request a quote: Please include the dates, location, number of attendees, and any exceptions, tailoring or special requests in your request for quote.
For additional information on seminars, consulting, or technical expert legal services, please contact; Dr. Chris G. Bartone, P.E., at: 740-591-1660.